Rolling NICU Library Project
Simon Reed & Salazar, P.A. was pleased to participate in this heartwarming project as part of its community outreach.
Throughout the holiday season, SRS in conjunction with employees from all three offices, donated over 120 books and a cart to establish a rolling library for the Tampa General Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
This was a passion project by our Tampa office. Attorney, Anita Bitter, knows well what loving care a NICU provides to premature babies and their families, having been in the NICU with her youngest child. “The newborns can’t do much, but they love to hear their parents’ voices. Reading books to their babies also gives parents something to do in order to feel like they’re comforting their child and helping their development, which eases some of the anxiety surrounding the NICU stay.”
Legal Assistant, Kelly White, has a special connection to the TGH NICU where her daughter is a nurse. Just this year, Kelly has made approximately 25 fleece tie blankets for those special moments in the NICU when parents get to hold their little ones. She brought another batch with her for delivery of the library.
Partner, Greg Reed, was on-hand for delivery of the library as well. “What a wonderful thing to be a part of,” said Greg. “A great experience!”
Summary Judgment Win – Policy Endorsements and Limitations
Click here for Court’s Opinion: Order on Motion for Summary Judgment